
New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year!  Today is January 1st, 2023.  The annual day where we make resolutions, perhaps soon to be forgotten.  Here are mine.  I’m making them all tangible so as to be able to measure my success at the end of the year.

Create 365 posts on this website, this year.  The typical quick post takes about forty-five minutes to write and proofread, so while it’s a big time commitment, it’s not impossible.  Perhaps I’ll find some guest contributors to help.  This one is mostly to show my nephew that I did something with the domain.  And it doesn’t hurt any of us to be able to quickly express our thoughts in writing or any other medium.

Stop at an establishment that I’ve never been to before at least once a week.  I’m a huge creature of habit, so it’ll be good to do something new.  And it may give me something to write about as well.

Drive a ‘Cannonball Run’ from the Red Ball Garage in New York City to The Portofino Hotel in Redondo Beach, CA.  I had the time at the end of last year but didn’t make it happen.  This year I think I’ll pick an event that I want to attend in Los Angeles, and plan a road trip around that.  It’s harder to keep pushing back the date if I want to attend a particular event.

Save $10 per day in a cash equivalent.  This would be in addition to any 401(k), stocks or cryptocurrency.  One never knows when it might come in handy.

Read the Bible through in a year.  I’ve never successfully done it and believe that it’s definitely worth doing.  I started at the beginning of last year and quickly found myself living through the most chaotic and demanding year of my life.

Now it’s your turn.  Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions that you hope to keep this year?  Do you have any that you’d like to share below?  Any strategies for keeping them?  Good luck!

Robert Parks

Robert created using a random password generator while talking with his nephew.

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